Dent Repair

Paintless Dent Repair Plus Auto Deductible Reimbursement


Protect your car’s appearance as well as your wallet!

With OpenRoad’s Dentguard product you can keep your car looking like new when those dents and dings happen. Plus, with the added value of Auto Deductible Reimbursement (ADR) you can be reimbursed for your auto insurance deductable up to $500 if you suffer a loss on your vehicle insured under your automobile insurance.*

OpenRoad’s DentGuard with ADR offers the following advantages:

• Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) is the art of removing dents, dings and creases from an automobile without the need for repainting or refinishing. DentGuard’s Paintless Dent Repair provides you with top quality dent repair at a fraction of the cost of a body shop, plus minor dings can be repaired in as little as 15 minutes!

• ADR (Auto Deductible Reimbursement) – The average household will have an auto insurance claim every two years. With DentGuard’s ADR coverage (which is included in the price of your PDR policy), you can put your mind at ease as you can be reimbursed for your deductable up to $500 if you suffer a loss on your vehicle insured under your automobile insurance 


It’s not a matter of if a dent or ding will happen but when!

Why choose Paintless Dent Repair over traditional methods?

There is no need for the use of body putty or paint with the PDR process. Therefore, the vehicle retains its original factory-finish which helps the vehicle retain its value. The process is environmentally safe, quicker and considerably less expensive than traditional body shop methods. The repair is guaranteed against future defects, reappearance and satisfaction of the customer.

How long do repairs take?

Minor door dings and parking lot damage can be repaired in as little as 15 to 20 minutes. Repair times vary, however, vehicles typically can be repaired in 1/3 the time it takes using traditional body shop methods. Plus, PDR services can be performed at a convenient location determined by you and the technician.

Ask your Loan Care Agent about Paintless Dent Repair plus ADR by DentGuard today and we can include the cost in your OpenRoad Lending auto loan.

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*Certain state and other restrictions apply. See the contract for terms and conditions.