State Specific Disclosures

State Specific Disclosures

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Alabama Residents: Here is our Alabama Consumer Credit License

AL License

Additional Rights for California Applicants: For purposes of compliance with the California Financial Privacy Act, if you are a resident of the State of California and would like to opt-out from the disclosure of your personal information to any third-party for marketing puposes, please go to If you are married, you may apply with or without your spouse. OpenRoad Lending is licensed as OpenRoad Lending, LLC, NMLS 710945 and CA Lender License #603 I315.  Loans will be arranged or made pursuant to a California Finance Lenders Law License.

Maine Residents:

The creditor or lender at the time of application for the loan or at the outset of negotiations regarding the loan or sale shall inform the purchaser or borrower of that person’s right of free choice in the selection of the agent and insurer through or by which the insurance in connection with the loan is to be placed, including the right to choose an agent or broker whether or not that agent or broker is affiliated with a creditor or lender

Maryland: NMLS 740945 and can be found at NMLS Consumer Access.

Michigan: Regulated by the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services Effective March 10, 2012 – License #: RL-0018111

Contact information is:

PO Box 30220

Lansing MI 48909-7720


Minnesota Residents:

The following fees will apply to your loan:

  • Title fee – $13
  • Late fee – If a payment is not received within 10 days after its due date, late fee is equal to 5% of the unpaid installment amount or $8.32, whichever is greater.
  • NSF fee – $30.00.

The maximum APR that OpenRoad Lending shall charge in Missouri is 24%. The maximum loan fee that OpenRoad Lending shall charge in Missouri is $99.


New York Residents:
A consumer report may be requested in connection with your application. Upon your request, we will tell you whether or not the consumer report was requested and give you the name and address of the consumer-reporting agency that furnished the report.

Ohio Residents:
The Ohio laws against discrimination require that all creditors make credit equally available to all credit worthy customers, and that credit reporting agencies maintain separate credit histories on each individual upon request. The Ohio Civil Rights Commission administers compliance with this law.

South Carolina Residents:

Click here to see our Consumer Rights Pamphlet.

SC ORL LicenseSC ORL License



Wisconsin Residents:

No provision of any Marital Property Agreement, a Unilateral Statement under Section 766.59 Wisconsin Statutes or a court decree under Section 766.70 Wisconsin Statutes adversely affects the interest of OpenRoad Lending unless OpenRoad Lending, prior to the time credit is granted, is furnished a copy of the agreement, statement or decree or has knowledge of the adverse provision when the obligation to OpenRoad Lending is incurred.